Fractional vs Whole vs Alternatives
How do Digital Precious Metals compare against trading of physical bullion bars and coins or alternative products such as ETC/ETFs or Tokens? We compare all the options below
Digital | Coins | Bars |
ETC/ETF (Active) |
ETC/ETF (Pasive) |
Tokens | |
Instrument The product and description |
Bullion Bars Investment grade |
Bullion Coins Investment grade |
Bullion Bars Investment grade |
IOU / Security 'Asset backed' |
IOU / Security 'Asset backed' |
IOU / Token 'Asset backed' |
Asset Backing What % of the product is backed by physical bullion |
100% |
100% |
100% |
<100% Derivatives can be up to 75% |
<100% Derivatives can be up to 25% |
<100% Derivatives can be used |
Transaction Fees The typical buy/sell fees added to the spot price of the metal |
0.50% |
5% - 15% |
3% - 10% |
0% - 0.75% |
£5.99 - 0.75% |
1.5% - 2.5% |
On-going Charges The typical annual storage or management fees |
0.15% |
0.65% - 2% |
0.65% - 2% |
0.65% - 1.25% |
0.12% - 0.95% |
0.95% - 2% |
Ownership Title ownership of the precious metals e.g. they're owned by you |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
Counter-party Risks What 3rd party risks you're exposed to |
Delivery Option The product can be delivered or converted and delivered immediately or at a future date |
Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
The contents of the table are based on a range of sources and providers, details may vary and are for illustrative purposes only